PlanetSide 2 Graphics Settings

  1. PlanetSide 2: Best Video Settings
  2. PlanetSide 2: Your Computer Matters
  3. PlanetSide 2: Before/After Optimization Results
  4. PlanetSide 2: In-game Video Settings Boosts
  5. PlanetSide 2: UserOptions.ini tweaks
  6. PlanetSide 2: Windows Task Manager Affinity, Quick and Effective
  7. PlanetSide 2: SysInternals Process Explorer
  8. PlanetSide 2: False Hopes of Faster and Faster GHz, Because Physics
  9. PlanetSide 2: Bitsum Process Lasso
  10. PlanetSide 2: Graphic Card Specific Tweaks and Beyond

PlanetSide 2: Best Video Settings

I was looking for the best PlanetSide 2 settings to have the best in-game experience.

In my search, I found these great community guides:

This Guide, Just a Medic Trying to Save the World from FPS Woes

Below, I have incorporated most of the recommendations across those sites as well as various others, and things I've heard people say in Discord, read in a forum, or figured out.

As a Systems Administrator and Engineer for over 18+ years. I've been dealing with high performance optimization in all forms related to computing.

Websites under DDoS, optimizing video games for best play experience across multiple platforms at a game studio, and now running a Data Center and render farm for a movie studio.

This guide focuses on the fact that PlanetSide 2 is a game from 2012, and modern tech like NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access), and multi-core CPUs don't give the best performance.

Having a good solid framerate not only improves your enjoyment of the game, but it can also actually dictate your rate of fire vs framerate according to some in-depth testing from Iridar, and FPS vs RPM on Reddit from x[H]0PE oN3Xo.

So tweak away to get the best possible competitive edge solider!

Feel free to message me on our FEAR Discord with any questions. Or if you think there is something valuable to add to this guide.

- Jacob "[FEAR] DrSaveYourAss", written 5/9/2020 (updated: 7/28/2020)

PlanetSide 2: Your Computer Matters

Anyone who has ever played a PC game and then gone to a friend's house, or watched someone play the same game online.

You quickly realize that PC gaming is NOT a fair playing field.

With PlanetSide 2 being a free-to-play game, it's very attractive for those that just wanna game out on a budget and have fun.

On the flip-side, you'll have players that have poured multiple months worth of rent into their systems.

It gives them a huge advantage, especially in big battles and clutch moments when it matters the most.

In this guide, I aim to give you the most bang for your buck out of your current hardware.

I guarantee, if you haven't dug into your in-game video settings or thought about checking for NUMA zones or CPU Affinity/Pinning

By the end of this you'll be much better prepared for battle soldier!

You can't game on a Mac...

My current rig is a Mac Pro 2013 trashcan I got for $5 from work. It's running Boot Camp to dual-boot with Windows 10.

Hardware is Hardware, and you can compare Apples to Oranges:

So as you can see, not too shabby for a $5 raffle ticket. I also have the advantage of work/life balance as I have to support MacOS anways.

PlanetSide 2: Before/After Optimization Results

Default PlanetSide 2 video settings results:

Optimized PlanetSide 2 graphics settings results:

Optimized PlanetSide 2 Windows tweaks results:

PlanetSide 2: In-game Video Settings Boosts

This is the easy win part here, change stuff the game lets you. Unlike a lot of games most settings can be changed without restarting the client.

Display Mode:           Full Screen
Resolution:             1920x1080
Render Quality:         100%
Vertical Field of View: 74.00
Wide View Mode:         No
Vertical Sync:          No
GPU Particle Quality:   Grayed out
Render Distance:        1000
Smoothing:              No
Fog Shadows:            No
Ambient Occlusion:      Yes
Bloom Enabled:          Yes
Motion Blur:            No

Overall Quality:  Custom
Graphics Quality: Low
Texture Quality:  Ultra
Lighting Quality: High
Shadow Quality:   High
Effects Quality:  High
Terrain Quality:  High
Flora Quality:    High
Model Quality:    Low
Particles:        Low


Good Things to Know

Other In-game Changes on the Fly

Render Distance

Dynamic Infantry and Vehicle Rendering

Render Quality

PlanetSide 2: UserOptions.ini Tweaks

You can modify your UserOptions.ini file to edit your PlanetSide 2 settings outside of the game.

This file is broken up into sections of:

UserOptions.ini Display Settings

Typically for graphics you'll just be editing the [Display] and [Rendering] sections of the UserOptions.ini file:



UserOptions.ini Audio Settings

Your CPU is also taxed with handling audio, and you can lower the MaxVoices settings to reduce the number of audio channels the CPU has to handle.

You won't want to go much lower than 96 or in big battles you won't be able to hear all the various sounds around you happening.

Also supposedly PlanetSide 2 can't always auto-detect your Audio bitrate, and might default to 41000 Hz.

If your Windows Audio from your soundcard is 48000 Hz like mine, that means it constantly has to use the CPU to downsample all audio. Forcing the game to match Windows can give it a nice extra lil boost.


PlanetSide 2: Windows Task Manager CPU Affinity/Pinning, Quick and Effective

The easiest way at the OS/hardware level to get a 10% or more boost is use the Windows Task Manager to set CPU Affinity/Pinning.

Now depending on CPU architecture, or NUMA node mapping/memory controller layout you have some options:

  1. For each of these, Uncheck All Processors, then try:
  2. Select just CPU 0 (socket 0, core 0, memory controller 0)
  3. Select just CPU 8 (socket 0, core 8, memory controller 1)
  4. Select just CPU 8-15 (socket 0, core 8-15, memory controller 1)
  5. Select based off Hyper-Threaded cores, usually Even or Odd cores

With an 8 core/16 thread architecture, try each of these and monitor in game performance with /fps and keep an eye on Task Manager's Performance and Details tab for the PlanetSide2_x64.exe.

Average fps at WarpGate | CPU Cores Selected

  30-36 fps [CPU] | 0
  30-37 fps [CPU] | 8
110-115 fps [GPU] | 0-7
118-122 fps [GPU] | 8-15
115-120 fps [GPU] | 0,2,4,6
111-114 fps [GPU] | 8,10,12,14
105-110 fps [GPU] | 0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14
110-113 fps [GPU] | 1,3,5,7
100-104 fps [GPU] | 9,11,13,15
115-120 fps [GPU] | 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15

I seem to get the best performance with it pinned to my second memory controller and all 4 cores + 4 HT cores [8-15].

There can be some additional overhead for having the OS manage Affinity as opposed to letting the CPU itself handle it.

So in my case just restricting PlanetSide2_x64.exe to its own second memory controller and letting the Intel CPU handle Affinity between physical and HT cores works out better.

Essentially what you're trying to do is force the entire PlanetSide2_x64.exe to run contained to a single NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access) zone, and stick to just 1 socket and 1 memory controller.

Windows runs on primarily Core 0. If something like an update kicks off you shouldn't really notice it in-game. It understands that PlanetSide2_x64.exe is requesting dedicated CPU on other Cores.

Windows tries to restrict any other background system processes from running on those cores.

This all increases the memory bandwidth, and reduces NUMA misses.

When socket 0, memory controller 0, core 0 needs memory stored across the memory controller to socket 0, memory controller 1, core 8 that is bad for performance.

Most applications are not NUMA aware, and treat the system as if the underlying physical architecture doesn't have a physical delay of 20-80ns to keep hopping over the controller each time.

20-80 nano seconds doesn't sound like a lot, but in-game when things are looping thousands of times a minute, it adds up for sure.

PlanetSide 2: SysInternals Process Explorer

Most programs are bad actors with memory performance and usage.

They just assume UMA (Unified Memory Access), and a single socket/single memory controller.

Also Hyper-Threaded cores, and any multi-core setup can lead to massive inconsistent performance hits.

PlanetSide 2 is a single threaded app, and you can see this with a tool like Process Explorer from Microsoft SysInternals.

Download Microsoft SysInternals Process Exporer

It does do some "threading", but not in the same fashion better apps like Google Chrome handle it. It is handing off its thread management to the OS and kinda fudging it.

You can do the same type of CPU affinity/pinning like with Task Manager by right-clicking on PlanetSide2_x64.exe as well:

I think I recall back in the day they had the "Dumb" type of multi-threading at one point.

Essentially loading up a single PID with pretty much everything, but then using a few other threads for random specific tasks like network ticks.

They probably realized with the expansion of NUMA since 2012 that it's better at the OS level for it to just single-thread in the hopes its entire memory footprint ends up on a single socket and memory controller.

PlanetSide 2: False Hopes of Faster and Faster GHz, Because Physics

As your active core count increases for "parallel" work, it will heat throttle to slower and slower GHz to maintain heat thresholds. More transistors flipping bits = more leaked electricity = more heat.

Don't take my word for it, it's common IT knowledge and Intel already covers: Why does Intel Core Processors Enable the Throttling While Gaming

"Processors have two modes of thermal protection, throttling and automatic shutdown. When a core exceeds the set throttle temperature, it will start to reduce power to bring the temperature back below that point. The throttle temperature can vary by processor and BIOS settings. If the conditions are such that throttling is unable to keep the temperature down, such as a thermal solution failure or incorrect assembly, the processor will automatically shut down to prevent permanent damage."

Even though each reduction in transistor size decreases the amount of wasted current, we aren't at the electron level yet. Nature is pretty freaking amazing with its conservation of energy tactics.

Most games are single-threaded, so all of the "parallel" work much like UMA programs running on NUMA architecture is kinda faked at a virtualization layer.

Also setting even or odd core, or one whole side of a memory controller or the other, based on architecture can help to ensure your game is only running on physical "logical" cores.

Not hyper-threaded ones which will throttle overall performance for the sake of "parallel" work it's not actually physically capable of doing.

When all your cores are active, your GHz per core drops for heat management. So what you're looking for is the sweet spot for your motherboard layout, memory controller, and CPU.

Click the Taskbar > Task Manager and just watch on the Performance tab after clicking on the CPU on the left. Watch the speed widely fluctuate.

As it's giving you an average over 8 cores in my case. The more multi-threaded you try to go, the lower the average GHz will drop.

PlanetSide 2: Bitsum Process Lasso

If it looks like CPU Affinity is helping, which I almost can't imagine a case it would hurt performance when you've found the right cores for your architecture.

You probably don't want to Alt-Tab and set this each time. You can play with some command line options but it's gonna be totally different based on your setup.

So that's where BitSum's Process Lasso shines very nicely:

Go ahead and head over to and grab Process Lasso.

When you first launch it, I just use the default options:

 11% Processor Use
100% Responsiveness
 29% Memory load

PlanetSide 2: Graphic Card Specific Tweaks and Beyond

Welp that's a book. I could go on into the various renditions of Nvidia and AMD/Radeon's control panels and other hardware level stuff like downsampling and what not at the card itself.

But I'll leave that up to you to research a bit based off what you have, since things vary so much. While the PlanetSide 2 in-game settings + Windows process management works across the board for anyone.

If you still have a HDD, a $50 500GB SSD will typically be a way better upgrade than more RAM or a better video card as a first step.

Depending on your generation of hardware you will probably butt up against being CPU bound, if you throw a brand new modern GPU in. More RAM is always nice but 4-8GB should usually suffice if you've tweaked your settings.

Recent Testimonials: